About Me...

I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of South Alabama. I've been in the field of education for sixteen years. I have been teaching Pre-K since 2011. I have experience teaching kindergarten through third grade though most of my teaching
experience has been in Kindergarten.
Teaching is my passion. I absolutely adore teaching the younger students. We've all heard the analogy, students are like sponges, they absorb massive amounts of information. It's inspiring to see my students absorb and learn so much in my class!

Blogging in the Classroom

I've viewed and commented on many elementary classroom blogs and can see the value of blogging in the classroom. The motivation alone that it gives the students makes blogging worth the effort. I plan on using blogs to keep parents informed, show student work, and have students comment and write on their own. I would like to, eventually, be the student's facilitator through my own examples, stories, and enthusiasm on blogging. My goal is to inspire students to create by encouraging them to blog about their own interests, post photos, artwork and sound files.